Rabbi Moshe Pitchon

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And Then Came the Flood

The flood was caused by “hamas,” the Hebrew word used by the Torah to refer to “violence.”
“Hamas” is the same word the Scriptures use to describe the sin for which Nineveh was to be destroyed in the book of Jonas and for which “sulfurous fire” rained down upon Sodom and Gomorrah.


What Now

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¿Estos Somos Nosotros?

Los sectarios no desean otra cosa que expulsar a las mayorías y ocupar su lugar. Su deseo es el de imponer formas de vida que no sólo no reflejan las realidades del mundo actual, sino que están apartadas del modo de vida de la mayoría de los judíos en Israel y a través del mundo

Israel Politics

A Guide for the Confused

Israel did not enter Gaza with the intention of killing Palestinians, just as the Palestinians entered Israel with the intention of killing as many Israelis as possible (without regard for other nationals). Israel’s intention is to free those who were kidnapped and to retribute the direct perpetrators for their atrocities.


A Gut Yomtef

Pessah 2024 The incommensurable suffering


The Ten Plagues

The miracles reported in the Bible were supposed to strike the reader as miraculous. Even if some natural phenomena can be found at the heart of the Ten Plagues, the theology rather than the natural history of the plagues intrigued the biblical authors and inspired them to tell the tale of the plagues as they did.

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