21st Century


Jewish culture instead of nostalgia and ritual

Vital Questions to the Circumstances of Life

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The idea behind Rabbi Moshe Pitchon’s website, 21st Century Judaism.com, is that thinking paradigms from centuries before cannot adequately address the issues and reality facing Judaism today.

This project is dedicated to bringing Judaism out of the Middle Ages and into the 21st century

To reconcile the lessons of the past learned by the Jewish people with the reality of the twenty-first century, we must examine our thought processes and cultivate new leaders.

21stCenturyJudaism.com is a creative incubator for answers to problems related to our contemporary way of life.

Our primary focus is on the Jewish youth and their capacity to recognize their inherent capacity to contribute to human welfare and advancement.

If you share these ideas, bring your support now and help the 21st century Judaism achieve its goal.